How to prepare the apple cider vinegar

The apple cider vinegar is prepared by 2 methods which are naturally prepared and it is the natural product which is good for the health and the procedure to prepare this recipe is very simple and it has more health benefits. In internet there are different procedures are available for how to make apple cider vinegar and the necessary steps to prepare the apple cider vinegar are:

  • You have to wash the apple which contains organic substance
  • Cut the apple into small pieces which is convenient for  you
  • You need one large bowl along with the cheese cloth which helps to cover the jar
  • You must add the apple piece into the jar and you must fill the jar with water and cover it with the cheese cloth.
  • You have to place the jar in the dark and warm place and cupboard is the right place to keep the jar warm
  • The jar must be cover with the cheese cloth because it prevent the flies to enter into the jar
  • You must add the apple in the jar for few month and after 6 or 7 months you have to open the jar get to notice that the surface of the jar formed scum or not and the scum must be grayish in color.
  • If it formed then remove the stain the jar by filtering it using the coffee filter and store it in the bowl and the apple cider vinegar is prepared where it can be used for various purposes.

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Benefits of apple cider vinegar

The apple cider vinegar contains some natural health benefits such as it helps to prevent from many health issues and some benefits of using apple cider vinegar is:

  • It helps in weight loss
  • It helps in remove the wart
  • It helps in fight against the skin toner naturally
  • It helps the hair to rinse and give the shining and remove the dullness of the hair
  • It helps in remove the lies and ticks in the hair
  • It gives the best relief from the sunburn
  • It helps in curing many infection and remove the toxins
  • It reduce the cholesterol in the body
  • It give shinning glove to the skin and it protects the skin from the scratches or any allergy
  • It helps in removing the dandruff and prevent from hair loss
  • It is good for the diabetes people and helps in controlling the sugar in the blood
  • It help to prevent from heart problems

The apple cider vinegar gives the effects inside the body after consuming this recipe and it can be consumed in the form of juice and it is good for digestion process and helps in good blood flow and it contains necessary nutrients which promotes to the body and it is more healthy and gives strength to the body and it helps in preventing from cancer and improves the blood pressure and the level of the cholesterol.  It protects the liver and other organs in the body helps to not consume of pills.



Purpose of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the natural products which contains necessary health benefits of increasing the stamina and also helps in boosting the immune system. There are certain procedures are available for how to make apple cider vinegar recipe can be made in the home in simple which can be followed step by step process to make the recipe and the apple cider vinegar is more organic. It is quite easy and inexpensive to make the recipe but it takes long time to prepare the natural recipe and the apple cider vinegar can be prepared by various methods but there are two simple and easiest methods to make the recipe such as:


  • Apple cider vinegar using scraps
  • Apple cider vinegar using whole apple

Methods to make the apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar using scraps – Take one large bowl or jar which is open widely and add the apple scraps and  cores and peels from the organic apples and the jar must be cover it with the cloth to prevent enter of flies and debris. If you leave the scraps to the air then color of the scraps turn into brown color and add the scraps into the jar and add the water along with the scraps. You must continue adding the scraps for few days and make sure that the jar gets closed and keep it at the warm place. After few days you must notice that the jar is thicken and grayish and get to know whether scum forms on the top or not and the scum formed then stop adding scraps in the jar and leave it for few days. After few months you have to taste the mixture and if it is strong for your convenient then remove the stain in the apple scraps and vinegar. If the vinegar is in cloudy then there must be some sediment formed in the apple so if you need you can remove it and it is very easy method to prepare the apple cider vinegar/

Apple cider vinegar using whole apple – this method takes long time to prepare it and the procedure to prepare this recipe is: you need more than 10 apple and cheese cloth to cover the bowl. Wash all apple and cut it into small pieces and if you need you can just pee it or core the apple and prepare the scraps in the apple is useful to make the apple cider vinegar. Add the apple in the bowl and fill it with the water and cover the bowl with the cheese cloth then keep in the dark and warm place for 6 months. After 6n months you must notice that the bowl the bowl gets formed scum and if it is formed then you have to filter the stain using the coffee filter into the other bowl and leave the bow for few weeks. Then the apple cider vinegar is prepared freshly in the home and it can be used by various ways such as hair rinse or you can drink like a juice.



The Common ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

In these modern days people are highly troubled by skin problems, hair growth problems and other allergies from pollutions. The natural products and ingredients both are provide effective solutions for skin and hair care problems. The apple cider vinegar is also natural ingredients and it act as both skin acre and hair care product so it can be alternative for various cosmetics and chemical products. The apple cider vinegar available in various stores and also we can make in our home with simple ingredients. We have to learn about how to make apple cider vinegar and how to apply for our body and other informations.


How to Use Apple cider Vinegar for Hair

Generally hair treatments highly expensive in these present days and it also not provide optimal solution for hair problems. The people can choose simple and effective treatment with natural ingredients like apple cider vinegar. The apple cider vinegar can be used for various purposes but it provides better treatment for hair related problems. The apple cider vinegar can helps to conditioning of hair because of healthy ingredients and other products such as baking soda also helps to hair conditioning. The healthy hair need to be maintained and includes the moisture and here apple cider vinegar can be increase the porosity then it will help to maintain hair smoothly. The apple cider vinegar can be used for hair surface so it very important for natural hair styling. In these days people are following various treatments for hair growth but we can effectively stimulate the hair growth with apple cider vinegar formations. Generally apple cider vinegar can be used as super talent hair cleaning ability so it plays important role in natural hair cleaning methods.  The apple cider vinegar can also help to stop the hair fall because it has some grip and stripes from oils. The baking soda and apple cider vinegar combination helps to highly reduce the frizzy hair and provide hair smoothening for common hair. The split ends generally come from unwanted pollutions, bad chemical gels so we need to avoid these products and regularly maintain some natural product such apple cider vinegar, baking soda, coconut oil massage and other treatments.

The Common Disadvantages of Apple Cider Vinegar

The natural products generally not provide any side effects because it contains various natural substances. The apple cider vinegar also one of the safest natural products but it can provide some effects when occurred interactions and already affected curious diseases. The common drugs such as insulin and digoxin and other drugs incase interact with apple cider vinegar then it leads to decrease the potassium and make us suffer.  The high acidic explosion of apple cider vinegar can able to produce teeth enamel erosion and it affects some dental related problems. Generally apple cider vinegar mixed with other solution then it provides bleeding gums. Itching, gum irritation and others issues. The high number of PH contents can able to destruct the stomach walls and it provides digestion problems and other stomach related problems. The potassium reduction can provide breathing and redness problems so we need to use apple cider vinegar properly.



The Important Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The natural ingredients and its recipes highly important for avoid unwanted skin and other beauty care problems. The white vinegar provides plenty of uses for common people and apple cider vinegar is better than other vinegar formation because it contains significant properties. Generally we need to know about how to make apple cider vinegar in our home and its medical usages. The apple generally helps to common people health improvements and its juice formed into apple cider vinegar. Here apple cider vinegar can be used as hair growth and beauty care and health benefits.


The Common Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The natural products and ingredients always provide plenty of features for common people. The apple cider vinegar is one of the homemade remedies and it produced by various natural ingredients. The apple cider vinegar generally has anti biotic features and it helps to avoid bacterial infections such as stomach pain and digestion problems.  Theses vinegars can be cure hiccup problems and sore throat because of natural ingredients antioxidants and biotic activation. The apple cider formations can also reduce cholesterols because of acetic acids and fibre stimulations. The apple cider can be helps to avoid indigestion when we add some honey and warm water to drink before 30 minutes of dinner. The apple cider ingredients found potassium and it easily prevents growth of bacteria and sinus problems then it will clears very stuffy noses. The apple cider highly contains acetic acids and it important for reduce appetite, retention of water and improve metabolism. These factors only allow fewer amounts of calories into the blood stream then it can able to one of the best remedies for consistent weight loss. The apple cider vinegar is one of the good natural toners and it works for healthy skin because it contains lactic acids and anti bacterial properties and it helps to soften the exfoliate skin, avoids red spots, balance the PH level. In these present days most of us affected by stress and related problems and it can increase the fatigue, tired effects and other problems. The apple cider vinegar can increase the energy for active life.  The apple vinegar cider can be used for better mouth wash and it can eliminate decay and stronger the teeth for betterment for happy life.

The Common Reasons for Using Apple Cider Vinegar 


In these present most of the people using cosmetics and chemical products for avoid disease and problems. The natural products highly responsible for cure the various diseases with simple procedures. The apple cider vinegar is one of the homemade natural ingredients and it provides various important benefits for common people.  The apple cider vinegar can be made from apple and it helps to detoxify our home and other places. The chemical products can able to affect surrounding but natural products extremely safe for use because it contains only pure natural ingredients. The common people are using apple cider vinegar for consistent improvements of human health and it also skin and hair natural products. The people need to know about using procedures for happy life.
